Contact us
ACL FARM LLC - 335 Steele Rd, Paris, Kentucky 40361, USA.
Phone: (001) 859 988 9020
Telefax: (001) 859 988 0888
E-mail: -
ACL STUTERI AB - Blädingeås,
342 52 Vislanda, Sweden.
Cell Phone: + 46 733 446309
E-mail: -
The Racing Stable
Cell Phone: (001) 859 492 0457 Anette Lorentzon
Cell Phone: (001 859 492 0631 Anna Lorentzon
Telefax: 001 859 988 0888
E-mail Anette:
E-mail Anna: -
NOTE! If possible, avoid calling all the above telephone numbers before 07:00 a.m. US time.
The safest way to reach us is after 12:00 p.m.